The Common Greco-Latin: The Unifying Substratum of Greek and Latin Vocabulary Across European Languages


By J. Wes Ulm, MD, PhD

Medical researcher, physician, linguist, and author

Echoes of the Mystic Chords: A Novel, Book One of The Leibniz Demon Trilogy


Whether the words in our native language roll smoothly off the tongue as in Portuguese or French, or come off more gutturally in German, Dutch, or Russian, there’s actually a “common language” nearly all of us speak already without realizing it. It’s a substratum of critical vocabulary that’s become effectively internationalized since the Middle Ages across European languages, evolving form the intellectual prestige of Latin and Greek and, simultaneously, the cultural prestige of Romance tongues like Italian and French (with their own vocabulary predominantly rooted in Latin). Variations on words like hotel, restaurant, vase, lamp, director, electricity, energy, dozen, market, metal, military, officer, and thousands of others are found with strikingly similar pronunciations and spellings across not only the Romance languages but also Germanic, Slavic, Celtic, and other European language families.


Most notably, despite misconceptions that German in particular is “more Germanic” than English (or at least more resistant to absorbing Latin-based loanwords), modern German has in fact been influenced by this common Greco-Latin substratum in a manner closely paralleling English both before and after the Norman Conquest. For this reason, I’ve listed several hundred salient examples (in alphabetical order) of such common Greco-Latin imported terms below as the words are used and spelled in German. In contrast to the previous list (which detailed hundreds of identically-spelled words in English and German, almost all of them Latin-derived), each of the Latin and/or Greek-based German dictionary entries here differs slightly in its spelling relative to its English counterpart. Nevertheless, the vast majority are still easily recognizable to a native English speaker even without any direct familiarity with German. While these words naturally vary in the frequency with which they appear in German speech and writing, all of them are familiar to educated native speakers, and most are in standard (often daily) usage to render essential concepts which often possess no native (Germanic) equivalent. In cases where there might be any ambiguity about how to translate the cognate German term, I’ve simply placed the English equivalent in parentheses. (Note that German nouns are generally capitalized in formal writing, and thus they are so displayed here.)



Abenteuer (adventure), abolieren (abolish), Abusus, Acidität, addieren (add), Adjektiv, adoptieren, äquivalent, affabel, Affäre, affirmieren, aggravieren, Aggregat, aggressiv, Agonie, Akademie, Akkord, akkurat, akquirieren (acquire), Aktion, aktiv, Akzent, akzeptieren, akzidentell, Allianz, Ambiguität, Ambulanz, Anachronismus, Analogie, Analyse, Anarchie, Annalen (annals), Anomalie, anonym, Antenne, Antilope, Antizipation, Apokalypse, Apostroph, Apparat, Appetit, Applikation, approchieren, Architektur, arrivieren (used in career sense), Arterie, Artikel, Artillerie, Aspekt, assignieren, Assistent, assistieren, Assoziation, Astrologie, Astronomie, Asyl (asylum), Athlet, Atrozität, Attitüde, attraktiv, Auktion, Auster (oyster), authorisieren, Authorität, autokratisch, automatisch, Autor, Avantage, Bagatelle, Barre (sandbar), Barriere, basieren (to base on), Bataille (battle), bellizistisch (bellicose), Bestie (beast), Biographie, Biologie, Birne (pear), Bischof (bishop), Blasphemie, Bombe, Bouteille (bottle), Branche (corporate sense), brillant, Brokkoli, Bürokratie (bureaucracy), changieren, Charakter, Charakterisierung, charakteristisch, Charge, chargieren, charmant (charming), Charme, Chef (chief as well as kitchen chef), Chemie, Chirurgie (surgery), Dämon, Daten (data), Datum (date), Debatte, Debüt, defensiv, definit, definitiv, degoutant (disgusting), Dekor, Dekoration, Dekorum, Dekret, dekuvrieren, Demenz, Demographie, Demokratie, Departement, Dependenz, deprivieren, Desaster, desavouieren, desillusioniert, Desintegration, Deskription, Destruktion, devorieren, dezidieren, Diagnose, Dialekt, Diamant, diffamieren, diffizil, Dilettant, Diner (dinner), dinieren (to dine), Diplom, direkt, Direktor, dirigieren (to direct), Diskont, Diskrepanz, Diskussion, Disput, Disqualifikation, Distanz, distinguieren, Divergenz, Doktor, Dokument, Domäne, doppel (double), Dosis (dose), dramatisch, drastisch, dubiös, Ductus, Dutzend (dozen), Dynastie, echappieren (escape), effizient, Elektrizität, Emphase, Employé, Energie, Engel (angel), Enklave, enorm, Entität, Erotik, Erzbischof (archbishop), Eschatologie, eskalieren, Eskorte (escort), Ethik, Euphemismus, Evakuation, Evidenz, evozieren (evoke),, exakt, Examen, Exazerbation, exkludieren, exkulpieren, explizit, exponieren (expose), exquisit, extensiv, Exterieur, extraordinär, extrem, exzeptionell, exzitieren, Faktor, falsch, Familie, famos, fazial, Feige (fig), feminin, fertil, Fieber (fever), Fiktion, Finanz, fingieren (to feign), Finis, Firma (a firm, as in company), fixieren, Flor (flower), Flöte (flute), Föderation, Fontäne (fountain), Formel (formula), formell, formidabel, Forst (forest), Foto, Fotograf (photographer), Fötus (fetus), Fraktion, fraternisieren, Fries (frieze), frittieren (fry), Frucht, Fundament, Funktion, Furie (fury), Galaxie, Gelatine, Genealogie, generös, gentil, Geographie, Geologie, Geometrie, generell, Geste (gesture), gigantisch, Gitarre, Gletscher (glacier), Globus (globe), Glorie, glorios, Glossar, Gouverneur, graduell, Grammatik, grotesk, Gymnasium (various senses), Gymnastik, Hierarchie, Hilarität, Histologie, Historie, Hommage, honett, Honneur, honorig, Horizont (horizon), horrend, Hospitalität, hostil(ität), Hyperbel (hyperbole), Hypothese, Idee (idea), ignorieren, imaginär, imaginativ, imaginieren, immediat (somewhat different usage), immun, Implikation, implizit, imprimieren (print), Inanität, Indikation, individuell, Industrie, Infektion, infinit, Ingenieur (engineer), Ingredienz, Iniquität, Injektion, Injurie, inkludieren, Inkorporation, Innozenz, Insekt, insistieren, Insolvenz, Inspektion, Instanz, intakt, intendieren, intensive, Interaktion, Interieur, intim (intimate), intimidieren, Intimität, intrigant, Introduktion (esp. musical sense), Inventar (inventory), inventieren, investieren, invitieren, invisibel, Inzidenz, Ironie, irritieren, Jacke, Jus (juice in some of its senses), justifizieren, Justiz, Kabel, Kabine, Kabinett, Kalamität, Kalkulation, Kalligraphie, Kamera, Kameraden (command), Kammer (chamber), Kampagne (campaign), Kanal, Kandidat, Kanone (cannon), kapabel, Kapelle (chapel), Kapital, Kapitulation, Kaplan (chaplain), Kappe, Kapsel, Karotte, Kapsel, Karte (card or ticket), Kasse (cash register), Kasus (case), Katalog, Katastrophe, Kategorie, Katharsis, Kathedrale, Katze (cat), kausieren, Kavallerie (cavalry), Kirche (church), Kissen (cushion), Kiste (chest to store items), klandestin, klar (clear), Klarinette, Klasse, klassisch, Klient, kochen (cook), kohärent (coherent), Koinzidenz, Koeffizient, Kokon (cocoon), Kollege (colleague), Kollektion, Kollision, Kolonie, kolorieren, Kolumne, Koma, Komet, Komik, komisch, Komitee, Komma, kommandieren, Kommentar, kommentieren, kommun (common), Kommunikation, Kommunität (religious sense), Komödie (comedy), kompakt, Kompanie, Kompartiment, kompetent, Kompilation, komplett, Kompliment, Komponente, Komponist (composer), Komprehension, Kompresse, Kondensation, Konfidenz, konfiszieren, Konflikt, Konföderation, konfus, Kongestion, Konjugation, Konjunktion, konkret, konsekutiv, konservativ, konsiderabel, Konsonant, Konstruktion, Konsultation, kontagiös, Kontinent, kontingent, kontinuieren, Kontinuum, Konto (account), Kontrakt, konträr, Kontrolle, Kontroverse, Kontrast, Konvenienz, Konvention, konventionell, konzentrieren, Konzern (business sense), Konzert, Konzil (council), Koordinate, Kopie, koppeln (couple), Kordel (cord), Kork (cork)**, korrespondieren, Korridor, Korruption, Kosten, krass, Krater (crater), Kredit, kreieren (create), Kreuz (cross), kriminell, Krise (crisis), Kritik, kritisieren, Kruste (crust), Kryptographie, Küche (kitchen), Kultur, Kumpan (companion), Kurs (course), Kurve, Küste (coast), Laboratorium, Lack (lacquer), Laie (lay in sense of laity), lakonisch, Lampe, Lattich (lettuce), Legat (legacy), Legende, Lektion (lesson), Leutnant, Lexikon, Libertät, Liga (league), Linie, Literatur, Logie (logic), Logistik, Lokation, lukrativ, Luxus (luxury), Lyrik, Majorität, Mandat, marinieren (marinate), Markt, Marmelade, Marmor (marble), Maske, maskulin, Masse, Mathematik, Matriarchat, mechanisch, Medaillon, Medien, Medikament (medication), Medizin, Melone, memorieren, Meile, Meilenstein (milestone), Meister (master), melancholisch, Menü, merveilleux (marvelous), Metall, Metamorphose, Metastasierung, Mikroskop, Militär, Minorität, Minuzien (minutiae), Minze (mint), mischen (mix), Misere, Modell, Monarchie, mondän (mundane), Monotonie, {all months of the year – e.g. January = Januar, February = Februar, and so forth}, Monstrum (monster), Morphologie, Mortalität, Motiv (motif), movieren, Mühle (mill), multipel, Musik, Muskel, mutuell, Mysterium, Mythos, naiv, Narrativ, Natur, natürlich, Negoziation, Nektar, Nektarine, Neurologie, Nerv, nervös, nobel, Notiz, notorisch, nuklear, Nummer, Objekt, objektiv, obsolet, obszön (obscene), obstinat, Odeur, odiös, Ökologie (ecology), Ökonomie (economy), Öl (oil), offiziell, Offizier, offiziös, Oligarchie, ominös, Oper (opera), optisch (optical), Organisation, Ornithologie, Orthodoxie, ostensibel, ostentativ (ostentatious), Ouvertüre, Paar (pair), Pagina (page), Palast (palace), Papier, Parabel, Paralyse, Parasit, Partei (political party), Partikel, partikular, partikulat, Partizip (participle), passen, passiv, Passport, Passwort, Patriarchat, Patrouille (patrol), Pauperität, perfekt, Periode, permeabel, Personal (personnel), persönlich (personal), Perspektiv, persuadieren, Perzeption, Pfanne (pan), Pfeffer (pepper), Pfeife (pipe), Pfeiler (pillar), Pfirsich (peach), Pflanze (plant), Pflaster (plaster), Pflaume (plum), Philosophie, Phobie, Physik, Physiologie, Pietät, Pille, Pinie (pine tree), Pinne (pushpin or thumbtack), Pirat, plädieren (plead), Pläsier (pleasure), Plattform, Platz (place), polieren (to polish), Politik (policy and politics), Polizei (police), popular, portabel, possibel, postponieren, praktizieren, Prämie (premiums for insurnace), Präposition, Präsent, Präsident, präsentieren, präsumieren, Prävention, predigen (preach), Preis (price and prize), preisen (praise), Pression, Preziös, primär, Prinzip (principle), Priorität, Prisma, Produkt, profan, professionell, Profil, profitabel, Prognose, Programm, Projekt, Projektion, Prokrastination, Prolog, promittieren, Pronomen (pronoun), Prosa (prose), Protektion, Provinz, provokativ, Prozent (percent), Prozess, Psychologie, Puls, Pulver (powder), Punkt (point), Punzen (punches), Pupille (pupil), Puppe (puppet or doll), pur (pure), Quarantäne, Querele (quarrel), (zer)quetschen (quash), Rabatt (rebate), Raison, ranzig (rancid), rar (rare), Räson, räsonieren, Reaktion, realisieren, Realität, rebellieren, referieren, Referenz, regelmäßig (regularly), regulär, Rejektion, rekommandieren, Rekrut (recruit), removieren, renommiert (renowned), renovieren, reparieren, repetieren, Reptil, Republik, residieren, Residenz, resolut, responsabel, Ressentiment, Ressource, restaurieren, Retraite, revidieren (revise),, rezent, Rezeption, Rezeptionist, rezitieren, Rhetorik, Rhythmus, ridikül, Risiko (risk)*, Ritus (ritual), Rolle, rollen, romantisch, Rubin (ruby), rüde, rund (round), Saison (season in some senses), salutieren, salvieren (save), sanitär, Sankt (saint), sarkastisch, Schema, Schraube (screw), Schrein (shrine), Schule (school), sedativ, sekret, Sektion, Sekunde (second), Sellerie (celery), Senat, servil, Sexualität, sexuell, Siegel (seal on a document), signifikant, Silbe (syllable), Silentium (silence), similär, Sinfonie (symphony), Sirup (syrup), Skalpell, Skelett (skeleton), Skizze (sketch), Sklave (slave), sklavisch, Skrupel, Socke (sock), Soldat (soldier), solitär, Sonate (sonata), Sorte, Soße (sauce), sozial, Sozietät, Soziologie, Soziopath, Spargel (asparagus), Spasmus, Spektrum, speziell, Spezies, spezifisch, Sphäre, Spirale, spirituell, Spital (hospital), spontan, Staat (state), stabil, Stil (style), Stoppel (stubble), Straße (street), Strategie, Strauß (ostrich), Struktur, Studie, Studium (course of study), Subjekt, subjektiv, submittieren, subtil, Sukzess, sukzessiv, superfiziell, supponieren (suppose), Suprematie, Syndikat, Synthese, systematisch, Szene (scene), szientifisch, Szientist, Tablette, Tafel (table in sense of chart), Tautologie, Telefon, Teleskop, Tempel, Temperatur, temporär, Tenazität, Tentakel, Thema, Theorie, Therapie, thermisch (thermal), These (thesis), Thron, Titel, Toilette, tolerabel, Toleranz, Ton, Torrente, Tortur, Tragödie, trätieren (treat), Traité (treaty), Traktat (treatise), Transaktion, Tresor (cognate and some parallels to “treasure”), Trophäe (trophy), typisch, Tyrannei, traktieren (treat), ubiquitär, unkonventionell, urgieren, Urin, Usance (use), Usus (use), vage (vague), Vakuum, Valeur (valor), Vehikel, Vene (vein), ventilieren, verbos, verifizieren, versatil, vertikal, vexieren, violet, Vize-Präsident, Vokabular, Vokal (vowel), volatil, votieren (vote), Voyageur, vozieren (invoke), vulnerabel, Wein (wine), Weste (vest), Universum, zelebrieren, Zelle (cell), Zement, Zensus, Zentrum (center), Zeremonie, Zertifikat, Ziegel (tile), Zirkel (circle), Zirkulation, Zirkus, Zitat (citation), Zitrusgewächs (citrus), Zivilist (civilian), Zucker (sugar), Zyklus (cycle), Zylinder, Zynismus (cynicism),


Please feel free to quote from, print, and cite this essay as, “The Common Greco-Latin: The Unifying Substratum of Greek and Latin Vocabulary Across European Languages,” by J. Wes Ulm, originally published on Harvard University personal website, URL: , © 2016.


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